Will Ferrell
Will Ferrell, the renowned comic actor, recently made an appearance at CinemaCon to promote his upcoming R-rated comedy film called "Strays." During the event, Ferrell introduced an adorable border terrier named Sophie, who stole the show with her cuteness. The duo teamed up to create quite a buzz and generate excitement for the highly anticipated movie.
"Strays" promises to be a hilarious and daring comedy that will leave audiences in stitches. With Ferrell's comedic genius and the addition of Sophie, the film is set to deliver a unique and entertaining experience. The presence of the adorable puppy at the promotional event added an extra layer of charm and captivated the audience's attention.
If you're a fan of Will Ferrell's comedic talent or simply love adorable puppies, "Strays" is a movie you won't want to miss. Stay tuned for more updates and release information about this exciting and R-rated comedy that is sure to leave a lasting impression!