Michael Bloomberg 2020 - 5 Problems | QT Politics
After initially declaring he would not run for president in the 2020 election, Michael Bloomberg filled paperwork to qualify for the Alabama primary in time to meet the deadline. This action, followed soon after by fillings in other states, has prompted many to speculate that the billionaire is seriously considering changing his mind about running, and his spokespeople have said he would be making up his mind soon. Were Bloomberg to declare a run, he would reportedly have at least one supporter: Jeff Bezos, the world\'s richest person, who apparently encouraged his fellow billionaire to run during a phone call earlier this year. To win the presidency, Bloomberg would, of course, have to begin by winning the democratic primary contest. In this video, I will lay out five serious problems he would face, if he were to join the race: 5 problems for Michael Bloomberg 2020. Now, before I launch into this, I want to be straight up about my bias. I thi