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Des Moines hospitals report uptick in walking pneumonia among kids. What to know.

Des Moines hospitals report uptick in walking pneumonia among kids What to 
MercyOne and Blank Children's Hospital in Des Moines have both seen an increase in pediatric walking pneumonia infections.
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Walking pneumonia, or Mycoplasma pneumonia, infections among children are on the rise in the Des Moines area.

The uptick follows trends reported by the Center for Disease Control Prevention in mid-October. Over the last six months, there has been an increasing number of patients with Mycoplasma pneumonia diagnosis. This is typically associated with "walking pneumonia," or acute bronchitis, according to USA TODAY.

The percentage of children ages 2-4 diagnosed with Mycoplasma pneumonia grew from 1% to 7.2% between March 31 and Oct. 5, according to the CDC. Children ages 5-17 years old saw an increase from 3.6% to 7.4% in the same time frame.

Walking pneumonia cases up at Des Moines' MercyOne and Blank Children's Hospital

MercyOne and Blank Children's Hospital have both seen an increase in Mycoplasma pneumonia pediatric cases.

"Mycoplasma is not always associated with the start of school," said Joseph McGargill, MercyOne Medical Group's chief medical officer. "This is a typical season for croup or parainfluenza virus.”  

Blank Children's Hospital has experienced an uptick in walking pneumonia cases for several weeks. There is also an increase in the respiratory virus parainfluenza which causes croupy cough.

MercyOne has a similar trend in adult pneumonia inpatients, said Aneesa Afroze, director of Infection Prevention and Hospital Epidemiology at MercyOne Medical Center.

What is Mycoplasma pneumonia, the cause of walking pneumonia?

Mycoplasma pneumonia is a bacteria that can result in respiratory tract infections. The most common type is bronchitis, which is a chest cold. Pneumonia is the less common type, which causes a lung infection.

The bacteria is spread by inhaling respiratory drops produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

When the infection progresses from a chest cold to pneumonia, it is often less severe than typical pneumonia and presents as "walking pneumonia."

What are the symptoms of Mycoplasma pneumonia?

It can take one to four weeks for symptoms to appear after someone has been exposed to walking pneumonia. Symptoms can last for multiple weeks, according to the CDC. Some people who are infected show no symptoms.

Symptoms include:

  • Feeling tired
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Slowly worsening cough
  • Sore throat

What are the symptoms of walking pneumonia in children?

Children 5 years and younger may have the following symptoms instead of chest cold symptoms.

  • Diarrhea
  • Sneezing
  • Sore throat
  • Stuffy or runny nose
  • Vomiting
  • Watery eyes
  • Wheezing

How to treat mycoplasma pneumonia?

Most people will recover without medicine but some cases may need to be treated with antibiotics.

Over-the-counter medications can also help during recovery.

Help prevent the spread of respiratory illnesses

To help prevent the spread of respiratory illnesses like walking pneumonia, the CDC recommends the following:

  • Stay up to date with immunizations
  • Practice good hygiene, such as regular hand washing
  • Take steps for cleaner air, such as opening doors/windows; replacing the filter for central heating, ventilation or air conditioning; moving activities outdoors
  • Use precautions like distancing from others for at least five days and wearing a mask if around others

If you believe you or someone you know may have a Mycoplasma pneumonia infection, visit a healthcare provider.

Kate Kealey is a general assignment reporter for the Des Moines Register. Reach her at or follow her on Twitter at @Kkealey17.

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