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Take this weekend's Vancouver atmospheric river as an excuse to ...

Take this weekends Vancouver atmospheric river as an excuse to
Take cover!

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Well, Vancouver, it’s time to dig out those rain boots. Mother Nature has decided she’s ready for her moody, wet phase and is sending us an atmospheric river (yes, it’s a thing) this weekend. We're talking prolonged, heavy rain that could leave even the most waterproof jacket questioning its life choices.

Over the next two days, BC’s South Coast will see rainfall rivalling a monsoon. The experts are forecasting up to 200 millimetres in some areas. If you thought Thanksgiving Day’s drizzle was rough, think again: this is about to feel like standing under a waterfall. And while we Vancouverites love to pretend we’re tough when it comes to rain (because, let’s face it, we’ve all walked 10 blocks in a downpour without an umbrella like it’s no big deal), even the most seasoned West Coast warriors might consider throwing in the towel (or at least grabbing an extra one to dry off with.)

What exactly is an atmospheric river, you may ask. It’s a narrow band of concentrated moisture in the atmosphere, often called a “river in the sky,” resulting in heavy and prolonged rain and sometimes snowfall.

Of course, with all this rain, there are the usual concerns: localized flooding, water pooling on the roads, and that lovely feeling of stepping in a puddle that’s much deeper than it looks. 

Drivers, take note: hydroplaning season is officially upon us, so channel your inner tortoise and slow things down. And if you’re a cyclist, well, good luck: there’s no gear quite advanced enough to stop the splash-back from cars speeding by, so prepare to arrive at your destination looking like you’ve been swimming through the streets.

And here’s your public service announcement: a hat won’t cut it this time. Not even your trusty toque. You’re going to need heavy artillery.

The silver lining? The weather might give you the perfect excuse to cancel those plans you didn’t really want to follow through on anyway.

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