The Rush: Calvin Ridley sports betting bust is a minefield for NFL
WATCH THE VIDEO ABOVE to see today’s piping-hot, fresh-outta-the-oven episode of THE RUSH with Ariel Epstein. We’ll let you know everything you didn’t know you needed to know about sports. Other stuff too. But mostly sports.
It’s Tuesday, March 8, 2022, and here’s what Ariel’s cookin’ up:
Atlanta Falcons wide receiver Calvin Ridley has been suspended for at least a season after being caught gambling on NFL games, including Falcons games, back in November
Roger Goodell issued a strongly worded statement, saying Ridley’s actions compromised the “integrity of the game”
PLUS: Rush host and sports betting expert Ariel Epstein takes to Twitter to find out if the length of Ridley’s suspension is fair or foul.
THE RUSH will be back tomorrow. Until then, stay safe and don’t forget to check out our previous episodes here.