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United Performance Metals opens new additive manufacturing center

United Performance Metals opens new additive manufacturing center
United Performance Metals in Hamilton opened a new additive manufacturing center after two years in the making. The center provides new stainless steel, nickel, and titanium build plates customized to any size or machine.

United Performance Metals has customers in various industries, including aerospace, defense, space, fastener, medical, power generation, oil and gas, and semiconductor.

Biden is pushing Congress to approve Bipartisan Innovation Act, a bill Congress is still considering since its introduction last year. The Associated Press has reported the president has said it’s critical to bolster domestic manufacturing and help solve a semiconductor shortage that has delayed the production of gaming devices, smartphones, laptops, and life-saving medical devices.

The Bipartisan Innovation Act includes $52 billion to invest in American semiconductor manufacturing and research. Biden said if this bill is passed, it will help “bring down prices, bring home jobs, and power America’s manufacturing comeback.”

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